I am here to show you true help. Your voice is an open channel waiting to be heard. I promise to help thru your past, present, and future. All impossible love problems solved in same day! By working thru me directly, not by talking to fake psychic lines or prayer lines, even with on line dating that gets nowhere, I can tell you who is true and who is false. For people claiming they are psychic, 99 % of them learn out of a book. They also take up all of your time and waste your money. I’m freely giving my time to show you true help and learn the difference. In my constant strive to help people all across the world, I helped many thousands and I am waiting to help you. I will explain and show you a new road and new beginning to take. I have god’s true gifted abilities not out of a book. His divine has given to me his most powerful, angel holy spirits that guarantee to help you thru sickness, evil influences, witchcraft, casting love spells, same day reunited. And I promise that your first 5 min speaking live to me will convince you that I am the real natural spiritual worker. Truly gifted by god, I pray you will to be true to yourself and follow me to happiness peace and success. You tried the rest, now it’s time to find what truly is out there. Search no more help has arrived, amen. What are you waiting for? Pick up the phone my consultations are free of charge!
All readings are private and confidential. We are licensed and bonded. 39 years of experience.

I am here to show you true help. Your voice is an open channel waiting to be heard. I promise to help thru your past, present, and future. All impossible love problems solved in same day! By working thru me directly, not by talking to fake psychic lines or prayer lines, even with on line dating that gets nowhere, I can tell you who is true and who is false. For people claiming they are psychic, 99 % of them learn out of a book. They also take up all of your time and waste your money. I’m freely giving my time to show you true help and learn the difference. In my constant strive to help people all across the world, I helped many thousands and I am waiting to help you. I will explain and show you a new road and new beginning to take. I have god’s true gifted abilities not out of a book. His divine has given to me his most powerful, angel holy spirits that guarantee to help you thru sickness, evil influences, witchcraft, casting love spells, same day reunited. And I promise that your first 5 min speaking live to me will convince you that I am the real natural spiritual worker. Truly gifted by god, I pray you will to be true to yourself and follow me to happiness peace and success. You tried the rest, now it’s time to find what truly is out there. Search no more help has arrived, amen. What are you waiting for? Pick up the phone my consultations are free of charge!
All readings are private and confidential. We are licensed and bonded. 39 years of experience.

God bless you. My name is Angel Kingston, the man of god, ghost follower of angel
Spirits, holy powers. What I feel that has been given to me cannot come from a book
Or text, it is priceless gifts which is knowledge, insight, and thru the power god gave
Me to help people from all over the world. The more people that I have helped is
The more power that I have received by the holy spirits. Amen, thank you Jesus.
That gives back in return to me. And not by greed and shall not be for profit gain.
Anyone who comes forward for help thru me, I will always never fail you or turn you
Down. That is my guarantee. I was born in the old country in god’s holy land, Israel, in a
small catholic community in Nazareth. Over 40 years ago, when I came here,
first time to the United States with my father and mother, at the age of 10 years old.
That is when I started to work for the church of the holy Angel Kingston located in Dallax, TX.
There is where I began to see things clearer and to inherit my powers that all came
From Michael the arch angel. Little did I know, one day this would happen when I was
praying and a vision appeared to me like a ball of bright light and his voice saying
to me what I needed to do. So I listened as he kept coming to me, day and night.
And I kept this a secret from my parents and the church members as they wouldn’t
possibly believe me. And his voice kept saying to me what I should do for the people
In the world who had faith and needed help. So I agreed and in return, I do great
things for my people to see and hear about. Angel Michael then would reward me and
give to me special gifts and abilities. In return, I do good with it only! Or I would lose
my powers forever. And so to have and to keep the power and light of the Holy
Spirit, I would have to do and keep showing good work and for that he has given
to me my priceless powers, special powers no one else to date could have
matched or be compared to. He also wanted me to share this to heal the world.
Now, I am here as an open channel, waiting to hear from you. Tell me your main
concern. When you’re ready to give up and think there’s no hope and seem
Impossible help has arrived. Going back to my father, a former ordained minister,
and my mother, a religious root worker, that dates back over 5 generations. So I had
inherited all of my god-gifted, light and power from my bloodline, that dates back
to over a century from my ancestors, who also were very religious and caring. So to me, it
came naturally. I was born under a holy veil from the stars above, specially to be here.
To help people in ways that for others, seem impossible and they have made false
promises to you in the past ! That is why I live for one reason, that’s god. And to show you
the difference. No evil or man, shall form against me. I place all my powers
and protection against all forms of evil blockages and I cast out demonic forces and
all forms of root work that’s cast upon you by jealousy or hatred. I am the only true
few left who will not fail or disappoint you. Amen and thank you.